Bradwell Methodist Church
The church is located in Church Lane about 200 meters from the traffic light controlled junction on Beccles Road.
Services are held every Sunday morning starting at 10.30am. The pastoral oversight of the Church members is in the hands of Deacon Mark Attwood – Tel .No. 01493-661469. The church is part of the East Norfolk Circuit. The superintendent minister is the Revd. Steve Cullis who lives in Acle – tel. 01493 750275.
The services are led by ordained ministers, lay preachers and worship leaders. Holy Communion is celebrated on one Sunday in the month and all are welcome to receive this Sacrament. The hymns and worship is a mixture of traditional and modern.
At the same time a Junior Church is held. The young people join the older congregation at the start of the service and leave for their own activities after the second hymn.
Other events at the Church:
A fortnightly Bible Study takes place on alternate Tuesdays at 10.00 and concludes with tea or coffee.
On the same Tuesday at 12noon, a Charity Lunch consisting of soup, rolls, cheese and fruit is held and all the profits go to local charities.
On the second Thursday in the month the Women’s Network Fellowship meets. Their meetings consist of a short service followed by a talk by a visiting speaker. Tea and biscuits are served at the end.
On the third Thursday a coffee morning is held starting at 10.00am. This is a chance for a good natter as well as helping to swell the church funds.
On the last Thursday of the month the Friendship Club meets. They have a lunch at 12.30 and then there is entertainment in the form of quizzes, bingo, talks etc at 2.00pm.
Whatever your interest you will be sure of a real welcome at the Church.