
Councillor Vacancies


Parish Council Meeting Agenda 29/01/24



Parish Council Meeting Agenda 18/12/23

Parish Council Uncategorized

Parish Council Meeting Minutes 20/11/23

Parish Council Uncategorized

Parish Council Meeting Agenda – 20/11/23

Bradwell Parish Council
To: Members of Bradwell Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held
at Leo Coles Pavilion on Monday 20th November, at 7.00 p.m.

  1. To receive apologies for absences
  2. To receive declarations of Interest and dispensations
    Members are reminded to declare any interest on any item on this agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting in accordance with Bradwell Parish Council’s Code of Conduct.
  3. Public Participation session (15 minutes)
    Members of the public will be invited to give their views/question the Parish Council on issues on the agenda or raise issues for consideration of inclusion at future meetings. This item will be limited to 15 minutes, and will be followed by any County/Borough/Police reports.
  4. Minutes of last meeting
    To approve and sign minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 25th September 2023.
  5. Matters Arising
    The Clerk and members as appropriate to report any matters arising from the last meeting, to include Clerk’s report.
  6. Councillor Co-option
    To be discussed by all members.
  7. Councillor Resignation
    To note resignation of Cllr Howe.
  8. Appointment of Locum Parish Clerk
    Members to agree Kate Ruddock as Locum Parish Clerk for the Parish Council.
  9. Parish Clerk & Assistant Parish Clerk
    The Chairman to report any updates on the two vacancies, including the deadline for applications.
  10. Planning
    To consider recommendations from the Planning Working Group on the following applications and to report any Borough Council decisions made since the last meeting.
    06/23/0695/TRE 60 Mill Lane, Bradwell Works to oak Tree
    06/23/0606/CU Old Farm House, Hall Farm, Burgh Castle Change of use to short term support accommodation
    06/23/0638/VCF Burghwell Lodge, Market Rd, Burgh Castle Variations of cond 2 (plans), 3 (repair works & material of pp 06/22/1031/F
    06/23/0701/LB Hobland House, Hobland Rd, Bradwell Alterations to replace external windows & door, internal layout alterations
    06/23/0721/LB Old Farm House, Hall Farm, Burgh Castle Installation of fire doors & alarm to facilitate change of use to support accommodation
  11. Finance
    To receive and approve accounts for payment.
    a)To approve items of expenditure including any retrospective spending delegated to the Clerk
    b)To note receipt of monthly income
    c)To receive Q2 bank reconciliation to 30th September 2023, and to note the quarter 2 finance check.
    d)To award the annual Bradwell Reading Rooms grant. Budgeted at £1,650. Legal Power LGA 1972 S137.
    e)Allotments: To approve quote from Waveney Fencing to extend Beccles Road allotment fence at £1,100 + VAT. Legal Power: Small Holdings & Allotment Act 1908, S23. See report.
    f)Following Cllr Howe’s resignation to appoint somebody to the Finance Portfolio
  12. Youth Club Service
    To review the youth club service. To discuss if the club should it be extended after November 2023.
  13. GYBC Polling Stations
    To review the GYBC polling information and make a resolution as appropriate.
  14. Mill Lane Community Centre Trust
    Following Cllr Howe’s resignation to appoint somebody to the Mill Lane Community Centre Trust
  15. The Kings Garden
    Cllrs Hamilton, Sargeant and Watson to report on progress
  16. Allotments
    a)Draft allotment advisory committee minutes of 19th September 2023
    b)Draft Allotment AGM minutes of 28th September 2023
    c)Resolution: To allotment holder 18b to ban chickens from being kept on the plot due to welfare issues.
  17. Events Working Party
    To note the minutes from the meeting held on the 16th October 2023.
  18. Old School Village Centre
    The Chairman to report any updates, to include:
    Resolution: To allow the Old School Village Centre to use Green Lane car park on Friday 22nd December from 2pm to 8pm for parking for their Santa’s Grotto Event.
    Resolution: To loan bollards/barriers to block off the car park entrance.
  19. Correspondence
    To report any correspondence received.
  20. Date of next meeting.
    To confirm date, scheduled for Monday 4th December 2023, 7.00pm at Leo Coles Pavilion.
    K. Ruddock
    Locum Parish Clerk
    07988 846148


Chairman’s Statement passing of Queen Elizabeth II

HM Queen Elizabeth II
1926 – 2022

Chairman’s Statement:

It is with immense sadness that Bradwell Parish Council has heard of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Along with so many others, our reaction is one of profound sorrow for all the members of the Royal Family and to give thanks for a life well lived and much admired.

Bradwell Parish Council offer our heartfelt and very deepest sympathy to the Royal Family. They have lost, a mother, a grandmother, and a great grandmother; as a nation we have lost one of the most remarkable figures of the last century.

Throughout her life the Queen demonstrated exemplary dedication and commitment to serving the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth and supported countless organisations and charities.

Here in Bradwell, the Queen will always be remembered for her humility and duty to her country, which helped to foster the genuine love and affection in which she was held by all of us.

News Uncategorized

Statutory Public Notice – Hillside Primary School

Norfolk County Council is giving notice that it intends to add an additional 10 places to the Learning and Cognition Specialist Resource Base (SRB), from January 2023, creating a 20 place primary phase SRB.

Please find below copies of the Public Notice and the supporting prescribed information


Casual Vacancy


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Parish of Bradwell.

An election to fill the said vacancy will be held within sixty days (computed in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1972) of the date of this Notice, if by the 12th October 2021 a request for such an election is made in writing to the Returning Officer by TENelectors for the said Parish.  In the event of no such request being received within the requisite period, the Council of the Parish of Bradwell will fill the vacancy on that Council by co-option.

Notices and requests by electors in connection with this vacancy should be delivered to Sheila Oxtoby, Returning Officer, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF.

Clerk to the Bradwell Parish Council

Dated this 22nd day of September, 2021

Published by the Returning Officer

Printed by Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF.