Your Parish Council Needs You!
Would you like to help your local community? Are you interested in making a difference where you live? Does your community need improved facilities?
Would you like to be a parish councillor? Contact the Parish Clerk’s office – telephone GY 444478.
A person is qualified to be a member of the council if (s)he:-
- is a Commonwealth Citizen (which includes a British subject) or Euronational.
- is aged over 21.
- is an elector.
- has resided within the locality, or within three miles of it, during the whole of the twelve-month period prior to being nominated, or has had his/her principal place of work there during that time.
A person is disqualified from being a member of the council if (s)he:- ·
- holds a paid office or other place of profit for the council.
- has been declared bankrupt, or is subject to ‘execution of compositions or arrangements with creditors’ – such a disqualification would date from the date of the judgement or execution, and end either when the debts have been paid in full or bankruptcy annulled, or in other cases five years after discharge or fulfilment of the ‘deed of composition or arrangement’.
- has, within the previous five years, been convicted, within the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man, of any offence, and has been sentenced to not less than three months’ imprisonment without the option of a fine.
- is under any enactment relating to corrupt or illegal practices.
The maximum membership for Bradwell Parish Council is currently 15 (9 for Bradwell North ward, 6 for Bradwell South ward.) A person may be elected or co-opted to membership. Once somebody has been elected or co-opted to membership, they are immediately entitled to participate and vote in any meeting. They will be asked to complete ‘declaration of acceptance of office’ and ‘register of members’ interests’ forms – please see below the wording of the ‘Declaration of Office’ form, and please see separate page for information regarding the Code of Conduct and Register of Members’ Interests.
I,……………………………………………………………….., having been elected to the
office of PARISH COUNCILLOR, hereby declare that I take that office upon myself, and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of it according to the best of
my judgement and ability.
I undertake to be guided by the Code of Conduct adopted by the Bradwell Parish Council in the performance of my functions in that office.
Date……………………………………… Signed……………………………………………..
This declaration was made and signed before me
Proper Officer of the Bradwell Parish Council